currently working on...

currently working on...

Princesa Tibetana

My complete and raw understanding of myself does not exist in words but in places. Princesa Tibetana is about never knowing what to say, resorting to a story, a description, a desperate need of wanting to be understood. As I try to make sense of the breaths I’ve taken and the air of vulnerability I live in now, I struggle to understand and make sense of my past, my head stuck behind me. So, I return to the experiences that have made me a person instead of the person I’ve become. In this story, I will find ways to explain myself through places and things in a way that makes sense to me, that makes sense at all, as I ask myself:

¿Como es que puedo encontrarme en tantos lugares, pero en tan pocos a la vez?  Si mis pedazos mas valiosos y los temas de corazon que siguen tiernos y verdes siguen en mi primer cuarto en el que dormi de niña, en mi primera cocina, y en mi primer beso.

Capstone Project: Our Tower the Next 100 Years


Our Role

We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to restore, revitalize and reimagine our beloved UT Tower for Longhorns today and for generations to come.

Our goal is for students to care about UT’s newly announced project - but why should they? As a member of the strategy department, my role is to conduct research and unravel key insights that will give us our why. Who are we speaking to, and why? What do they care about? And why should they care about this?

creative direction

creative direction

Hawaiian Tropic

Hawaiian Tropic is about my life through different scents, sounds, and moments that lead to new seasons and eras. Lots of visuals. Like in the Summer, when you walk in the heat and you can almost hear it. You can smell the sunscreen off your skin and the grass getting greener. Think about the first day you feel Fall is actually here and the sound of leaves crush when you walk through them. This video tells a story through imagery, sound, narration, posing, and creates an experience representing seasons and emotions through imagery.

Love & Death in California

Inspired from my own obsessive questions and dreams where I wondered what lived in the air of the 60s in California. I wondered not only about the disturbed extremities that devotion led to, the alleged displays of “love” and “family,” the symbols of “revolution.” But what was in the air that made us want a brother and a sister, a father, and a mother that we couldn't find at home?

April Diaz Dreams of a Girls World

I discovered Girlsworld512 during my first year of college - I attended their first-ever clothing swap. This was the first day I met April Diaz, who was already present within Austin’s influencer community. This day marked only the beginning of Girlsworld512, when a year later, her initiative had gained more than 2k followers by simply doing their thing. So I reached out to April and asked if she would be interested in a shoot surrounded by all things girl, and with the help of the rest of Girlsworld and a SPARK team of creatives, our girl’s girls world came true.

advertising /student work

advertising /student work

some writing

some writing

love letters i never sent

& some more.